Koff Porter - Alko
https://www.alko.fi › products › Kof...Koff Porter - Black, full-bodied, with a rich head, strongly hopped, sweet malt notes, dark chocolate notes, toasted, roasted, spicy, rich, full-bodied, ...
Porter (beer) - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Porter_(beer)Porter is a style of beer that was developed in London, England in the early 18th century. [1] It was well- hopped and dark in appearance owing to the use of brown malt. [2] [3] The name is believed to have originated from its popularity with porters. [4] The popularity of porter was significant.
Tutustu porteriin ja stoutiin | Alko
www.alko.fi › oluttyypit › porter-ja-stoutImperial porter tai baltic porter on perinteistä englantilaista portteria vahvempi oluttyyppi. Maku on makeahko. Tuoksussa on karamellisuutta, toffeisuutta, pähkinää, leipää, mämmiä, lakritsia, tummia marjoja (esim. luumua, rusinaa) ja portviinimäisyyttä. alkoholiprosentti: 6,0–9,5 % katkeropitoisuus: 20–60 EBU väri: tummanruskea–musta