Porkkalan Marina | Tyylikäs ja rento pienvenesatama
https://porkkalanmarina.comporkkanaa, purjoa, laakerinlehtiä, maustepippuria, perunaa, ahventa, kuohukermaa, sokeria, suolaa, tilliä, voita, sitruunamehua Sunnuntaisin tarjolla herkullinen brunssi klo: 12.00 – 15.00 …
Porkkala Lighthouse - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Porkkala_LighthousePorkkala Lighthouse (Finnish: Porkkalan majakka, Swedish: Porkala fyr), also known as Kallbåda or Porkkala Kallbåda, is a lighthouse located in the municipality of Kirkkonummi, Finland, approximately 9 kilometres (4.9 nmi) from the southern tip of the Porkkalanniemi peninsula, in the western part of the Gulf of Finland.
Porkkalanniemi - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › PorkkalanniemiPorkkalanniemi ( Swedish: Porkala udd) is a peninsula in the Gulf of Finland, located at Kirkkonummi (Kyrkslätt) in Southern Finland . The peninsula had great strategic value, as coastal artillery based there would be able to shoot more than halfway across the Gulf of Finland.
Porkkalanniemi - Uudenmaan virkistysalueyhdistys
uuvi.fi › en › areaPorkkalanniemi is in Kirkkonummi. The area consists of rocky shores, pine forest, and beautiful outlooks onto the sea. Porkkala is a popular picnic destination and the vast area also is ideal for trail running or a short hike. The Porkkala cape stretches far out to the sea and is one of the best places to watch arctic birds migrating.