PlayStation Stars -kampanja on sarja tehtäviä/tavoitteita, jotka suorittamalla ansaitset tietyn palkinnon. Kampanjaan kuuluvista tehtävistä riippuen palkinto voi olla joko digitaalinen keräilyesine tai pisteitä. Löydät täydellisen luettelon saatavilla olevista kampanjoista PlayStation App -sovelluksen PlayStation Stars -keskuksesta.
Jul 14, 2022 · Today, I’m pleased to reveal PlayStation Stars, a brand new loyalty program that celebrates you, the player, for being on this ever growing gaming journey with us. PlayStation Stars will be free to join when it launches later this year. Once you become a member, you’ll earn rewards by completing a variety of campaigns and activities.
2.10.2022 · Here's everything you need to know about PlayStation Stars, the new loyalty service that allows you to earn points by purchasing PS4 and PS5 games, earning t...
Nov 07, 2022 · PlayStation Stars is our loyalty program and it’s free to join through the PlayStation App. Members have a variety of perks including access to fun Campaigns, which are updated and added to frequently. PlayStation Plus members also get points on purchases from PlayStation Store.
13.10.2022 · PlayStation Stars on uusi jäsenohjelma, jossa ansaitaan pisteitä sekä ”digitaalisia keräilyesineitä”, ja tämä tapahtuu yksinkertaisesti pelaamalla ja suorittamalla vaihtuvia …
14.7.2022 · Today, I’m pleased to reveal PlayStation Stars, a brand new loyalty program that celebrates you, the player, for being on this ever growing gaming journey with us. PlayStation …
7.11.2022 · PlayStation Stars is our loyalty program and it’s free to join through the PlayStation App. Members have a variety of perks including access to fun Campaigns, which are updated …
7.11.2022 · In addition to these rewards, PlayStation Stars members will also be able to participate in a number of new campaigns available throughout the month. Playing any PS4 or …
5.10.2022 · First announced in July, PlayStation Stars primarily grants players “digital collectibles,” which caused some observers to raise eyebrows at a slew of prizes that sure …
5.10.2022 · PS Stars, or PlayStation Stars, is a free loyalty program for PS5 and PS4 which enables you to earn PS Store credit, free games, and Digital Collectibles. If you're a PS Plus …
Oct 05, 2022 · First announced in July, PlayStation Stars primarily grants players “digital collectibles,” which caused some observers to raise eyebrows at a slew of prizes that sure sounded a whole lot like...
Tervetuloa PlayStation Plus -palveluun Tehosta PlayStation-kokemustasi online-moninpelillä, kuukauden peleillä, jäsenalennuksilla jne. PlayStation Stars Liity ilmaiseksi, suorita …
Enroll for free, complete campaigns and earn rewards PlayStation Stars is a brand-new loyalty program that celebrates you and your gaming journey with us. PlayStation Stars will be free to …
Enroll for free, complete campaigns and earn rewards PlayStation Stars is a brand-new loyalty program that celebrates you and your gaming journey with us. PlayStation Stars will be free to join when it launches later this year. Complete campaigns Members will earn rewards by completing a variety of campaigns and activities.