PlayStation Network › en-hk › playstation-networkInternet and account for PlayStation™Network also required. Join PlayStation Plus and you'll earn PlayStation Stars points with every eligible purchase on PlayStation Store.* Redeem these points for PlayStation Network wallet funds to use on your next digital purchase on PlayStation Store.
PlayStation Network – Wikipedia › wiki › PlayStation_NetworkPlayStation Network (tunnetaan myös nimellä PSN) on Sonyn tuottama ilmainen verkkopalvelu PlayStation-sarjan pelikonsoleille. PlayStation Networkin käyttäjille on tarjolla maksullinen PlayStation Plus -tilaajapalvelu, jossa kuukausimaksua vastaan saa pelejä ja muuta sisältöä. Sony julkisti aikeensa palvelun tuottamisesta 15. toukokuuta 2006 PlayStatio…
PlayStation Network Status › en-usPlayStation™Network NETWORK SERVICE STATUS Having issues with your console's connection? Our PlayStation Repairs tool will help you troubleshoot and improve your online experience. Visit PlayStation Repairs All services are up and running. Account management Gaming and social PlayStation Video PlayStation Store PlayStation Direct
PlayStation Network › en-us › playstation-networkInternet and account for PlayStation™Network also required. Join PlayStation Plus and you'll earn PlayStation Stars points with every eligible purchase on PlayStation Store.* Redeem these points for PlayStation Network wallet funds to use on your next digital purchase on PlayStation Store.