Lonkero-Finnish long drink recipe - Scandicuisine
scandicuisine.com › lonkero-finnish-long-drinkJan 29, 2022 · Grapefruit lonkero is not the only type of long drink you can find in Finland. Here is a list of different types: Karpalolonkero, cranberry flavored. (see the recipe) Lemon flavored; Cassis; Orange; Ginger; Red grapefruit; Lime; Brandy&pommac; Tropical; Mojito; Lingonberry; Alcohol content in lonkero. You can find in Finnish stores: alcohol free one; 2,6%; 4,6%; 5,5%
Pink Grapefruit, 330 ml
https://www.koff.fi/tuotteemme/pink-grapefruit-330-mlKoff Pink Grapefruit on raikas verigreipin makuinen lonkero, jonka pohjana on Sinebrychoffin panimon vuosisatojen mittainen kokemus siitä, mistä hyvä maku syntyy. 2021 keväällä lanseeratusta uutuudesta tuli heti kokokansan lempijuoma, joka ilahduttaa raikkaudellaan. KOFF Long Dink & Pink Grapefruit on 100% ginipohjainen.
Pink Grapefruit, 330 ml - koff.fi
www.koff.fi › tuotteemme › pink-grapefruit-330-mlPink Grapefruit, 330 ml. KOFF LONG DRINK & PINK GRAPEFRUIT. VUODEN PINKEIN UUTUUS ON TÄÄLLÄ! Koff Pink Grapefruit on raikas verigreipin makuinen lonkero, jonka pohjana. on Sinebrychoffin panimon vuosisatojen mittainen kokemus siitä, mistä hyvä maku syntyy. 2021 keväällä lanseeratusta uutuudesta tuli heti kokokansan lempijuoma, joka ilahduttaa raikkaudellaan.
Pink Grapefruit - Florida Indian River Groves
www.floridaindianrivergroves.com › pink-grapefruitThese sun-kissed beauties are plump and remarkably sweet. Loved all over the world for their amazing flavor, our Pink Grapefruit stand tall as one of our tastiest treats. It’s seedless and so naturally sweet that no sugar is necessary! These blushing beauties offer an amazing way to start your day. Your grapefruit is still on the tree when your order is received, which means they’re hand-picked when perfectly ripe and pass a six-point inspection to meet our highest quality standards.
Helsinki Long Drink | Gin & Pink Grapefruit
www.helsinkilongdrink.comWhat is a long drink? It is a tradition from our Olympic Games in 1952 – a drink that you can drink whenever, wherever and with whoever you like. Inspired by our colourful Helsinki summer we mix fresh pink grapefruit with our dry gin that actually tastes like gin. Not too sour, not too sweet, just the taste of what matters most.