www.piirto.com › enTapani Piirto was born in South Ostrobothnia but has now been living in Helsinki for Years. Piirto has developed a rich personal vision which he transports into his art often with a very figurative way. His art mesmeririzes with its positive light, movement and joie de vivre. In Tapani Piirto's own words:
Piirto Pyramid – Jane Piirto, Ph.D.
janepiirto.comI am, in this book, summarizing the findings in my books, Talented Children and Adults: Their Development and Education (Piirto, 1994, 1999, 2007), Understanding Those Who Create (Piirto, 1992/1998), and Understanding Creativity (Piirto, 2004). Persons who have produced creative products — visual artists, creative writers, creative ...
https://piirto.webnode.fiPiirto. Piirtämisen zen. Tervetuloa sivustolleni. Tämän sivuston tarkoitus on esittää eri tekniikoilla tehtyjä piirustuksiani. Olen maalannut akvarelleja yhtäjaksoisesti 8 vuotta mutta sitten tuli …