Recently, Reddit user u/KermitTheFraud92 asked, "What is a seemingly normal photo that has a disturbing backstory?" and you'll definitely want to read this during the day. Here's what people...
Waking in his serene campsite, he found a good vista and started snapping photos. But at 8:32 AM, everything changed. A 5.1-magnitude earthquake sent a terrifying landslide down the side of the …
#1 This Photo May Not Look Like Much At First Now, have a look at the guy in the background, top left. Have a look what's in the background, top right. That's the Tank Man from the Tiananmen Square massacre. Thought to be student Wang Weilin, this photo was snapped minutes before the famous one was taken. Nobody knows what happened to Weilin.
These photos of Auschwitz staff enjoying pleasant days off always stick with me. They look like camp counselors, but their job is killing people in horrible ways, and they enjoyed it. Most …
Creepiest Photos from History with Even More Disturbing Backstories 3.7k Views There is always something bizarre, funny, and creepy subjects and objects in the old photographs that vary from …
16+ Moments That Win The Award For Most Embarrassing · "My mom told me not to blink during my 2nd grade class picture." · "My junior year yearbook picture." · " ...
15 Photos With Disturbing Backstories May 5, 2020Leave a Comment Scuba diver taking a picture of his wife during a dive off the Australian coast, He accidentally gets a picture of the dead body of murder victim Tina Watson. A few minutes before this photo, her husband turned off her air supply and held her underwater until she drowned.
20 Regular-Looking Photos With Disturbing Backstories · #1 This Photo May Not Look Like Much At First · #2 Jewish Children Holding Hands As They Unknowingly Walk ...
Blanche Monnier · 'Murderous Mary' · American Buffalo Skulls · The Lawson Family · Jim Jones Recieving The Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award · The Cages On ...
There are some images that stay with you for the rest of your life. Sometimes, you stumble upon photographs that are so bone-chilling, horrifying and hair-raising that, try as you might, they linger in your memory, long after you have looked away. We curated 12 such photographs and even dug a little deeper, so we could tell you their backstories.
A seemingly innocuous or innocent-seeming can warp or hide a much more sinister truth. Down below are some otherwise fun-looking pics nursing darker, more disturbing histories. Taking a …
Waking in his serene campsite, he found a good vista and started snapping photos. But at 8:32 AM, everything changed. A 5.1-magnitude earthquake sent a terrifying landslide down the side of the mountain. Moments later, an eruption of magma, volcanic gas, and ash followed, a one-two punch of rapidly approaching terror. [4]
A seemingly innocuous or innocent-seeming can warp or hide a much more sinister truth. Down below are some otherwise fun-looking pics nursing darker, more disturbing histories. Taking a selfie, they all look so carefree and then you see the bright light behind them and just want to yell at them to get out of the way of the train 33/33 1 /33
20 Creepy Pictures With Their Disturbing Backstories – Part 3 ; 1 · Congolese Man with Daughter's Hand and Foot. Image Source: King Leopold's Soliloquy via us.
These are the creepy pictures that would haunt you through your fears or your conscience with their disturbing backstories. WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT, NSFW 1 A Congolese man stares at …
55 Creepy Pictures And The Eerie Stories Behind Them 55 Of History’s Creepiest Pictures — And Their Equally Disturbing Backstories Published December 1, 2020 Updated July 14, 2021 From …
15 Photos With Disturbing Backstories May 5, 2020Leave a Comment Scuba diver taking a picture of his wife during a dive off the Australian coast, He accidentally gets a picture of the …
We curated 12 such photographs and even dug a little deeper, so we could tell you their backstories. Prepare for major goosebumps and very little sleep, tonight. 1 Melted, ghastly …
Here are 10 such seemingly normal images with disturbing backstories. 1 This photo was taken shortly before the Omagh bombing in Northern Ireland. The red car beside the man and the child contained a bomb that exploded, killing 29 people and injuring 220 others. The pair in the photo miraculously survived, but the photographer did not.
Here are 10 such seemingly normal images with disturbing backstories. 1 This photo was taken shortly before the Omagh bombing in Northern Ireland. The red car beside the man and the child …
Recently, Reddit user u/KermitTheFraud92 asked, "What is a seemingly normal photo that has a disturbing backstory?" and you'll definitely want to read this during the day. Here's what people...