Phonak Bolero Marvel -kuulokoje | Phonak › fi › fiPhonak Bolero Marvel -kuulokojeet voidaan liittää suoraan iOS- tai Android-älypuhelimeen tai muuhun Bluetooth®-yhteensopivaan laitteeseen. Voit käyttää niitä handsfree-puheluihin ja TV-ohjelmien, musiikin, e-kirjojen, podcastien ja monen muun äänilähteen kuunteluun.
Phonak Bolero™ B › overview-bolero-bPhonak Bolero™ B-PR features a specifically designed built-in lithium-ion rechargeable battery that provides 1 day of hearing including unlimited streaming! Lithium-ion batteries are quicker to charge, last longer and won’t deteriorate even after years of repeated charging. Available with easy-to-use smart charging options, clients can ...
Phonak Bolero™ B › us › enPhonak Bolero™ B-PR features a specifically designed built-in lithium-ion rechargeable battery that provides 1 day of hearing including unlimited streaming! Lithium-ion batteries are quicker to charge, last longer and won’t deteriorate even after years of repeated charging.
Phonak Bolero B hearing aid | Phonak › us › enPhonak Belong hearing aids were created to simplify your life and make hearing effortless. What makes Bolero B so special is its unique operating system called AutoSense OS. It senses your surroundings and adjusts your hearing aids every step of the way. All you have to do is turn them on, and the rest is automatic.
Phonak Bolero™ Marvel Overview | PhonakPro › us › enPhonak Bolero Marvel can connect directly to either iOS or Android smartphones or other Bluetooth® enabled devices. With TV Connector your clients can enjoy their favorite TV programs and movies. They can use their Marvel hearing aids for hands-free calls and for listening to TV, music, e-books, podcasts and so much more.