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Löydät sivuilta Personal Trainereita eli henkilökohtaisia valmentajia Suomen suurimmista kaupungeista, kuten esimerkiksi Helsingistä, Espoosta, Vantaalta, Lahdesta, Kouvolasta, Turusta, Tampereelta, Kuopiosta, Mikkelistä, Porista, Oulusta ja Rovaniemeltä. Hinnat Personal Trainereiden hinnat vaihtelevat trainerin mukaan.
Personal Trainer .com | Personal Trainer .com
www.personaltrainer.comWelcome to Personal Trainer .com. where you'll find all the resources you need to achieve your fitness goals. Our directory of personal trainers enables you to find and contact trainers in your area with just a few clicks. Find that trainer who’s a perfect fit for your fitness goals. Personal Trainer .com is FREE and private.
What is a Personal Trainer
www.personaltraineredu.org › what-is-a-personalPersonal trainers have a love of fitness, and it shows. Their focus on a healthy lifestyle, a commitment to a fit physique, and a desire to share their passion with others is apparent, which allows them to serve as positive role models for the exercise challenged or for those who want to take their fitness to the next level.