Peppi Study System | University of Turku › en › study-at-utuSep 10, 2021 · Peppi Study System University of Turku has implemented a new study data system in the summer of 2021. The new system, Peppi, replaces the old systems Nettiopsu, Opsu, study plan system (hops), Open University Nettiopsu and Rekka. Students and Staff can use the new system from 2 August 2021 onwards.
Postgraduate Studies | Opinto-opas › en › postgraduate-studiesTurku CRC is a joint administrative clinical research service unit governed by the University of Turku and the University of Turku Central Hospital. Research field specific training takes place within departments and institutions and in clinics, but may also contain courses, seminars, and national and international conferences in the doctoral ...
Etusivu – Turun ammattikorkeakoulu › fiTurun AMK:n tukipalvelut opiskelijoille Tarjoamme opiskelijoillemme monenlaisia tukipalveluita jaksamisen tueksi. Tutustu tukipalveluihin Ajankohtaista 14.4.2023 Mahdollisuus oppia uutta: Niina Remes-Rautakumpu ja Teemu Uusi-Esko erikoistuivat mielenterveys- ja päihdetyöhön 13.4.2023 Turun AMK:lle myönnettiin Suomen vahvimmat -sertifikaatti