Studenttools - University of applied sciences › sites › defaultAs an studentof LAB youhaveaccessto Wifi calledEduroam §To access, useyouremail+ password §Availablealsootheruniversities §LAB/LUT networksarefor staffonly> •Peppi is keyto everything! Note! •LoginwithHAKA: •Chooseas organizationlamk- ammattikorkeakoulu ->later lab-ammattikorkeakoulu •User ID + password
Tervetuloa eLABiin! | eLAB
https://elab.lab.fiVerkkoTervetuloa eLABiin! eLAB on LABin opiskelijoiden tietopankki. Täältä löydät myös kaikki LABin opiskelijoita koskevat ajankohtaiset uutiset ja tapahtumat. Katso sivuston esittelyvideo tästä.
Pepi Hospital: Learn & Care - Apps on Google Play › store › appsApr 6, 2023 · Explore kids-friendly Pepi medical centre - become doctor, patient or just a curious explorer! Create your own stories in a hospital full of action - from the x-ray room to a dentist chair, from a busy pharmacy to an ambulance car. Explore tons of interactive items and help Pepi characters to take care and cure patients.
Student tools - University of applied sciences › sites › •Peppi is key to everything! Note! •Login with HAKA: •Choose as organization Lab-ammattikorkeakoulu •User ID + password You will find in Peppi: •Own Data •Semester enrollments 1.5.-31.8, You have to enroll every year to have your studyright! •Personal study plan PSP •Planning and searching studies •Enrollment to ...