Haku sanakirjasta: pentti - Ratkojat
https://www.ratkojat.fi › ryhmittele › penttipentti. airikkala, airio, alonen, arajärvi, arvo, avotie, eronen, eskola, fagerholm, haanpää, halttunen, hauhiala, helin, hietanen, holappa, hyvärinen, ...
Ratkojat - Haku sanakirjasta: pentti
www.ratkojat.fi › hae › penttipentti: rasinkangas: lastenmusiikin uranuurtaja (s. 1955) pentti: rautalahti: vuorineuvos (1925-2010) pentti: rekola: juoksija : pentti: renvall: helsingin yliopiston emeritus rehtori : pentti: riitahaara: jääkiekkoilija (s. 1945) pentti: ruonaniemi: Pentti Aarne Antero Ruonaniemi (s. 26.
Pentti Sarpaneva Jewelry - 12 For Sale at 1stdibs
www.1stdibs.com › creators › pentti-sarpanevaThis collection contains 12 pieces as well as a number of other designs by this jeweler.. While this collection reflects work that originated over various time periods, most of these items were designed during the 20th century. Many customers also consider jewelry & watches by Jack Nutting, Rachel Gera and Vaessen jeweler Holland. Prices for Pentti Sarpaneva jewelry & watches can differ depending upon gemstone, time period and other attributes.
Pentti Linkola - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Pentti_LinkolaKaarlo Pentti Linkola was a prominent Finnish deep ecologist, ornithologist, polemicist, naturalist, writer, and fisherman. He wrote widely about his ideas and in Finland was a prominent thinker.: 271 Linkola was a year-round fisherman from 1959 to 1995. He fished on Keitele, Päijänne and Gulf of Finland, and since 1978 he fished on Vanajavesi. Linkola blamed humans for the continuous degradation of the environment. He promoted rapid population decline to combat the problems commonly ...
Ratkojat - Haku sanakirjasta: pentti
www.ratkojat.fi › haepentti: eskola: pituushyppääjä (s. 1938) pentti: fagerholm: Oli yleiradion kuuluttajana, Michael Monroen isä : pentti: haanpää: kirjailija (1905-1955) pentti: halttunen: kansanrunoilija (1849-1923) pentti: hauhiala: Disney-keräilijä (s. 1950) pentti: helin
Frontpage - Pentti Kaiteran rahasto
penttikaitera.fi › enEvery two years, we present the €20,000 Pentti Kaitera Award. The recipient of the award can be an individual or community which, through their own work, promotes the emotional health and economic well-being of Northern Finland or other aims of the University of Oulu. By 2021, we have presented a total of 19 awards.