Home - City of Oulu - Oulun kaupunki
www.ouka.fi › oulu › englishJun 6, 2023 · Welcome to Oulu. On behalf of our community of about 210 000 people, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the City of Oulu, Finland. Oulu combines Northern hospitality, nature and culture with modern technology. Oulu values education, research and innovation and we are extremely pleased to welcome everyone to contribute to these dynamics.
Oulu Information - City of Oulu - Oulun kaupunki
www.ouka.fi › oulu › englishOulu Information. The City of Oulu is the capital of northern Finland. The Oulu Region has about 250,000 inhabitants and it is the fastest growing region in Finland. The City of Oulu itself has over 200,000 inhabitants. There are good opportunities for studying, working and research and development, especially in the hi-tech sector.