Office of Sponsored Awards & Research Administration ... › provost › osaraThe Office of Sponsored Awards and Research Administration (OSARA) has created a hub for all research related topics. Information on how to find funding, proposal development, proposal review and submission, award review, acceptance, and set-up, managing an award, conducting research, award close out, and training is available on this easy to use, searchable platform.
Japanese New and Vintage|Seattle|
www.osaracom.comShe is a three legged mermaid with a body covered in scales and a beak nose who comes out of sea to prophesize good harvests and pandemics. Keeping a drawing of an Amabie is suppose to ward off the pandemic. "Draw a picture of me and show it to those who fall ill and they will be cured. Please download Amabie or draw your own. SHOW US SOME LOVE
Orsara Recipes
orsararecipes.netAug 23, 2022 · Ingredients: 21 oz. Figs 4 Pork Chops 4 oz. Prosciutto, diced… September 16, 2022 Stuffed Tomatoes With so many tomatoes growing in my garden, this delicious stuffed tomatoes recipe is one way to use them besides throwing them into salads. I used early girl tomatoes, but many varieties of tomatoes can be used. The best would be to use an evenly…