The Finnish Long Drink.
thelongdrink.comConcerned with how to serve drinks quickly enough to all the visitors, the government commissioned the creation of a revolutionary new liquor drink, and so the first long drinks were born. Now this legendary taste has finally been brought to America by the next generation of Finns who want the world to experience the refreshing and unique Finnish Long Drink.
Original Long Drink - Live Original. Drink Original.
us.originallongdrink.comThe Original Recipe from 1952. Hartwall Original Long Drink is still produced according to the original recipe from 1952, mixing artisan gin with natural grapefruit & citrus flavors. The gin manufacturing process is carefully cherished artisan work, and all the ingredients are hand-selected to ensure the best quality, utilizing the world’s purest water claimed by UNESCO.
Original Long Drink | Original Long Drink
www.originallongdrink.comJul 07, 2022 · Original Long Drinkiltä yllättävin uutuus 70-vuoteen - malja tulevaisuudelle. Vuonna 1952 Helsingin olympialaisissa lanseeratun Original Long Drinkin tarina saa jatkoa. Hartwall toi markkinoille uudenlaisen juoman: Hartwall Original Long Shot™ on raikas 15,5% vahvuinen ginin ja greipin makuinen pidennetty shotti.
Original Long Drink | Original Long Drink › enOriginal Recipe. Hartwall Original Long Drink is still produced according to the original recipe from 1952 mixing Finnish premium gin and grapefruit soda. The gin manufacturing process is carefully cherished artisan work, and all the gin ingredients are handselected to ensure the best quality.