Original Long Drink - Live Original. Drink Original.
us.originallongdrink.comThe Original Recipe from 1952. Hartwall Original Long Drink is still produced according to the original recipe from 1952, mixing artisan gin with natural grapefruit & citrus flavors. The gin manufacturing process is carefully cherished artisan work, and all the ingredients are hand-selected to ensure the best quality, utilizing the world’s purest water claimed by UNESCO.
Original Long Drink | Original Long Drink
www.originallongdrink.comJul 07, 2022 · Hartwall Original Long Drink valmistetaan edelleen alkuperäisen vuoden 1952 reseptin mukaan käsintehdystä suomalaisesta ginistä ja greipistä. Gini on valmistettu Suomessa käyttäen vain parhaita käsinvalittuja raaka-aineita. Yhdessä greippilimonaadin kanssa syntyy ainutlaatuisen raikas maku, joka on hurmannut suomalaisia jo vuosikymmenten ajan.
Original Long Drink - The Original Long Drink
us.originallongdrink.com › long-drink12 oz Made with real GIN Finnish artisan gin, grapefruit flavor and the world's purest water, claimed by UNESCO. Original Long drink was created for the 1952 Helsinki Olympics to help local bartenders serve thirsty visitors with ease. It was the first gin cocktail in a can, as the first of it's kind, it's the oldest long drink in the world.
Original Long Drink | Original Long Drink
www.originallongdrink.com › enOriginal Recipe. Hartwall Original Long Drink is still produced according to the original recipe from 1952 mixing Finnish premium gin and grapefruit soda. The gin manufacturing process is carefully cherished artisan work, and all the gin ingredients are handselected to ensure the best quality.