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Open University UEF

Study at UEF | University of Eastern Finland › study
The University of Eastern Finland, UEF, is one of the largest universities in Finland. We have some 15,500 degree students at UEF, and our beautiful, compact ...
Free courses - OpenLearn - Open University › openlearn › free-courses
Free courses Produced by The Open University, a world leader in open and distance learning, all OpenLearn courses are free to study. We offer nearly 1000 free courses across 8 different subject areas. Our courses are available to start right away. All our free courses Why study a free course on OpenLearn? Badged courses
Avoin yliopisto | Opinto-opas 2022-2023 - UEF
VerkkoAvoin yliopisto. Humanististen tieteiden opinnot 2022 - 2023. Kasvatustieteiden opinnot 2022 - 2023. Kauppatieteiden ja oikeustieteiden opinnot 2022 - 2023. …
Open university - UEF Kamu › open-university
Open universities are a part of the Finnish adult education system and they offer every adult an opportunity to participate in education, which follows the curricula of the Universities. Each open university provides teaching on its own and in cooperation with such educational institutions as adult education centres, folk high schools ...
UEF Virtual Open Day | University of Eastern Finland
The University of Eastern Finland organizes a Virtual Open Day event on Wednesday, 23 November, at 2.00-4.00 pm (Helsinki time), to showcase the …
Open University | University of Eastern Finland › en › open-university
The open university is a part of the University of Eastern Finland's Centre for Continuous Learning, which also offers varied and flexible academic continuing education and other services to various companies and organizations. Check out our offered open university studies in English Open university studies for Ukrainians Guidance
Continuous learning | University of Eastern Finland › continuous-lear...
The Open University offers opportunities for trying out university studies, pursuing further studies, developing existing professional skills, ...
University of Eastern Finland - › ...
The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) is an international, participatory and inclusive scientific community. We have four faculties: the Philosophical Faculty ...
Open University | University of Eastern Finland
VerkkoThe open university is a part of the University of Eastern Finland's Centre for Continuous Learning, which also offers varied and flexible academic continuing …
Open University - Itä-Suomen yliopisto › open-university
The open university is a part of the University of Eastern Finland's Centre for Continuous Learning, which also offers varied and flexible academic ...
Open university - UEF Kamu
VerkkoOpen universities are a part of the Finnish adult education system and they offer every adult an opportunity to participate in education, which follows the curricula of the …
University of Eastern Finland -
VerkkoThe University of Eastern Finland (UEF) is an international, participatory and inclusive scientific community. We have four faculties: the Philosophical Faculty, the Faculty of Science, …
How to study at the open university | University of Eastern …
VerkkoAs an open university student, you will be given a university electronic account (UEF-tunnus). You will get an automated message with instructions on how to activate it. (If …
Open publishing | University of Eastern Finland › open-publishing
... of Eastern Finland, publications are made open access primarily through self-archiving into the university's own publication archive, UEF eRepository.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) › massive-open-o...
MOOCs are equally suited for self-improvement and continuous learning as well as for persons whose aim is to complete a degree or study at the Open University.
Open learning | University of Eastern Finland › open-learning
The University of Eastern Finland offers possibilities for open learning, for example, in Open University, open online courses and with open learning ...
Open university studies for Ukrainians › open-university-...
To help the victims of the war in Ukraine, we offer them what we can: study opportunities. All of our English-taught courses are free of charge for citizens ...
Open university | Opinto-opas › en › open-university
Intermediate studies, Accounting and Finance (minor) Open University. Intermediate studies, International Retailing (minor) Johtamisen ja markkinoinnin perus- ja aineopinnot Avoimessa yliopistossa. Kauppatieteiden perus- ja aineopinnot Avoimessa yliopistossa.
The Open University | Courses and Qualifications › courses
Open University certificates; Open qualifications; Higher Technical Qualifications; Microcredentials; Modules; Short courses; All courses; Student stories; Careers. Careers; Accountancy; Counselling; Engineering; Environment; IT and computing; Law; Management; Mental health; Psychology; Social work; Science; Teaching; Working with children ...
Langattomat verkot UEFissa - UEF Kamu
VerkkoLangattomat verkot UEFissa. Yliopiston kampusalueilla (Joensuu ja Kuopio) opiskelijat voivat käyttää kahta langatonta verkkoa: Eduroamia tai UEF-openia. UEF-open …
How to study at the open university | University of Eastern ... › en › how-to-study-at-the-open-university
As an open university student, you will be given a university electronic account (UEF-tunnus). You will get an automated message with instructions on how to activate it. (If you do not get this message, contact the IT services.) The same account will be used for all of your studies at UEF.