OmaSATO - Koti taskussasi
oma.sato.fiOmaSATOssa SATOn asukas voi mm. tarkistaa omat vuokranmaksutietonsa, tehdä vikailmoituksen, jättää ilmoituksia talon OmaSATO-ilmoitustaululle ja viestitellä asiakaspalvelumme kanssa.
Om Asato Ma Sadgamaya - In sanskrit with meaning › stotras › vedasMeaning: 1: Om, (O Lord) Keep me not in (the Phenomenal World of) Unreality, but make me go towards the Reality (of Eternal Self), 2: Keep me not in (the Ignorant State of) Darkness, but make me go towards the Light (of Spiritual Knowledge), 3: Keep me not in (the World of) Mortality, but make me go towards the World of Immortality (of Self ...
OmaSATO | Home in your pocket › en › why-satoOmaSATO is a digital service intended for SATO residents where you can take care of housing-related things whenever you want and wherever you are. For example, you can use the service to message with our Customer Service or to send us a defect report. OmaSATO is the only place where you can activate your customer benefits and, if your home has ...