About OmaPosti - Customer support - Posti
www.posti.fi › omaposti-starting-to-useThe OmaPosti service will remind you of the due date of an invoice and you can pay it directly through OmaPosti. Netposti did not have this function, and it has caused concern to many customers who are used to Netposti. If you pay the invoice using the OmaPosti payment function, the invoice will be automatically marked as paid.
OmaPosti Pro - Posti
www.posti.fi › tools-and-interfaces › omaposti-proStart using OmaPosti Pro. As a contract customer, you will automatically get access to OmaPosti Pro. The administrator grants users access rights to the service. Open OmaPosti Pro to see more detailed instructions and information about your company’s administrator. You can also view user instructions on our website.
oma.posti.fi › fi › loginOmaPosti yhdistää verkko-ostokset, laskut ja kirjeet. OmaPosti yhdistää verkko-ostokset, laskut ja kirjeet . OmaPosti. Koti. Arkisto. Ota yhteyttä ...