Hard Seltzers - Olvi
www.olvi.fi › en › productsOLVI Hard Seltzer Strawberry-Rhubarb is a refreshing alcoholic and carbonated water flavoured with strawberry and rhubarb. The product contains 4.5 % alcohol and a low calorie content compared to other cocktails at 27 kcal per 100 ml. No sugar, artificial sweeteners or colours are added to the product at all. Only natural aromas are used in the ...
Hard Seltzers - Olvi
https://www.olvi.fi/en/products/hard-seltzers-en/hard-seltzersOLVI Hard Seltzer Strawberry-Rhubarb . OLVI Hard Seltzer Strawberry-Rhubarb is a refreshing alcoholic and carbonated water flavoured with strawberry and rhubarb. The product contains 4.5 % alcohol and a low calorie content compared to other cocktails at 27 kcal per 100 ml. No sugar, artificial sweeteners or colours are added to the product at all.
New products - Olvi
www.olvi.fi › en › new-productsOLVI Hard Seltzer Juiced Raspberry The product contains 4.5 % alcohol and a low-calorie content compared to other cocktails at 27kcal per 100ml. No sugar, artificial sweeteners or colors are added to the product at all, and only natural aromas are used in the product.
Uutuudet - Olvi
https://www.olvi.fi/uutuudetVerkkoOLVI Hard Seltzer Juiced Raspberry on raikas terästetty ja hiilihapotettu vesi, jossa maistuu mehukas vadelma. Tuote on alkoholipitoisuudeltaan 4,5 % ja kaloripitoisuus on …