Olvi Hard Seltzer hinta - Srch-hakukone
srch.fi › Olvi-Hard-Seltzer-hintaOLVI Hard Seltzer Lemon-Lime. OLVI Hard Seltzer is a refreshing alcoholic and carbonated water flavoured with lemon and lime. The product contains 4.5% alcohol and a low calorie content compared to other cocktails at 27kcal per 100ml. No sugar, artificial sweeteners or colours are added to the product at all. Only natural aromas are used in the ...
New products - Olvi
www.olvi.fi › en › new-productsOLVI Hard Seltzer Ginger-apple is a refreshing alcoholic and carbonated water flavoured with apple and ginger. The product contains 4.5% alcohol and a low calorie content compared to other cocktails at 26 kcal per 100ml. No sugar, artificial sweeteners or colours are added to the product at all. Only natural aromas are used in the product.
Olvi Hard Seltzer Mansikka-Raparperi 4,5% 0,33l – K …
Olvi Hard Seltzer Mansikka-Raparperi 4,5% 0,33l 2,15 /kpl Sis. pantin 0,15 € 6,06/l Lisää ostoskoriin Hinta voimassa valitussa kaupassa K‑Citymarket Iso Omena. Saatavilla myymälätilanteen mukaan. OLVI Hard Seltzer Mansikka …
Uutuudet - Olvi
https://www.olvi.fi/uutuudetOLVI Hard Seltzer Inkivääri-omena on raikas terästetty ja hiilihapotettu vesi, jossa makuinspiraatiota antavat omena ja inkivääri. Tuote on alkoholipitoisuudeltaan 4,5% ja …
Hard Seltzers - Olvi
Lemon-Lime OLVI Hard Seltzer is a refreshing alcoholic and carbonated water flavoured with lemon and lime. The product contains 4.5% alcohol and a low calorie content compared to other cocktails at 25 kcal per 100ml. No sugar, artificial sweeteners or colours are added to the product at all. Only natural aromas are used in the product.
Hard Seltzerit – kuuma juomatrendi maailmalta - Olvi
14.9.2020 · OLVI Hard Seltzerit ovat alkoholipitoisuudeltaan 4,5 % ja kaloripitoisuus on muihin juomasekoituksiin verrattuna pieni, vain 26 kcal per 100 ml. Juomat eivät sisällä lainkaan sokeria, keinotekoisia makeuttajia eikä …
Hard Seltzers - Olvi
www.olvi.fi › en › productsOLVI Hard Seltzer is a refreshing alcoholic and carbonated water flavoured with lemon and lime. The product contains 4.5% alcohol and a low calorie content compared to other cocktails at 25 kcal per 100ml. No sugar, artificial sweeteners or colours are added to the product at all. Only natural aromas are used in the product.
Olvi Hard Seltzer Sitruuna-Lime 4,5 % 0,33l – K-Ruoka
www.k-ruoka.fi › kauppa › tuoteOlvi Hard Seltzer Sitruuna-Lime 4,5 % 0,33l – K-Ruoka OLVI Hard Seltzer Sitruuna-Lime on raikas terästetty ja hiilihapotettu vesi, jossa makuinspiraatiota antavat sitruuna... OLVI Hard Seltzer Sitruuna-Lime on raikas terästetty ja hiilihapotettu vesi, jossa makuinspiraatiota antavat sitruuna... Kaupat TuotteetReseptitSesongissa nyt Haku Kirjaudu
Olvi Hard Seltzer - Srch-hakukone
srch.fi › Olvi-Hard-SeltzerOLVI Hard Seltzer is a refreshing alcoholic and carbonated water flavoured with lemon and lime. The product contains 4.5% alcohol and a low calorie content compared to other cocktails at 27kcal per 100ml. No sugar, artificial sweeteners or colours are added to the product at all. Only natural aromas are used in the product.