Debut of OK 351 and OK 364 - AARoads › forum › indexOK 351 is the Muskogee Turnpike and OK 364 is the Creek Turnpike. US 412 WB at Creek Turnpike/OK 364: Along Creek Turnpike/US 64/US 169/OK 364 looking due east: Creek Turnpike/OK 364 eastbound C/D lanes at Muskogee Turnpike/OK 351 cloverleaf: It's so sad when (what appears to be) brand new signs are so poorly designed.
Oklahoma Tolls - Tollsmart › oklahoma-tollsRuns north-south for 21 miles connecting I-40 in the south to I-44 in the north in Eastern Oklahoma County. Muskogee Turnpike Extends in the southeast direction on SH 351 from the Broken Arrow Expressway southeast of Tulsa, OK to Webber Falls, OK. Turner Turnpike Extends in the northeast direction on I-44 from Oklahoma City, OK to Tulsa, OK.
Muskogee Turnpike - Wikipedia › wiki › Muskogee_TurnpikeThe Muskogee Turnpike, also designated State Highway 351 ( SH-351 ), is a toll road in eastern Oklahoma . Route description[ edit] Opened in 1969, the 53-mile (85.2 km) route begins at the Broken Arrow Expressway ( SH-51) southeast of Tulsa, near an intersection with the Creek Turnpike. The Turnpike ends at Interstate 40 west of Webbers Falls.