Exam Preparation | OASIS ANSWERS
oasisanswers.com › content › ExamPrepDescription: The Time Points for Data Collection Domain tests your knowledge of situations and events which trigger mandatory OASIS data collection. You will need to understand when OASIS data for Start of Care, Resumption of Care, Recertification, Other Follow-up, Transfer, Death at Home and Discharge is required to be collected.
Exam Preparation - OASIS ANSWERS
https://oasisanswers.com/content/ExamPrepDescription: The Time Points for Data Collection Domain tests your knowledge of situations and events which trigger mandatory OASIS data collection. You will need to understand when OASIS data for Start of Care, Resumption of Care, Recertification, Other Follow-up, Transfer, Death at Home and Discharge is required to be collected.
Oasis Test House
www.oasistesthouse.comOasis Test House (OTH) is a trusted name in chemical, physico-chemical, instrumental and microbiological testing services. The company is built on integrity and thrives with its unwavering commitment to provide top-notch, reliable contract analytical services and solutions to pharmaceuticals and allied industries.