OSAO | Koulutuskuntayhtymä OSAO
www.osao.fi › enEducational Consortium OSAO (VET) is a leading educational community of vocational experts in Finland, providing work life skills and continuous learning. OSAO provides up-to-date education that is in line with needs of work life. About OSAO Studying in OSAO Visiting OSAO Studying at OSAO OSAO is one of the biggest vocational colleges in Finland.
https://www.osao.fi/opinnot/tuvaOSAO järjestää TUVA-koulutusta Kontinkankaan, Haukiputaan, Kempeleen-Limingan, Muhoksen, Pudasjärven, Taivalkosken sekä Kaukovainion palveluiden yksiköissä. Oulun keskustan …
Oulu in a Nutshell | OSAO
www.osao.fi › en › about-osaoAbout OSAO Oulu in a Nutshell The magical summer when the sun never sets and the breathtaking winter scenery when the sea freezes and turns into a winter playground. This is Oulu. Oulu is lively and easygoing city where you can spend a day full of activities and experiences and enjoy tranquility in the beautiful nature.