Lounge Key
loungekey.ioComplete Lounge Key's first round of Raffle services. Launch Lounge Key’s Membership Collection. Build collabortations with real-world travel agencies, hotels, cruises, and rental services to provide real-world benefits to our holders.
FAQ | LoungeKey Single Use Pass
portal.loungekey.com › en › eloThe LoungeKey Pass voucher / QR code only provides access for the person named on the voucher. A voucher must be produced for each guest who wishes to enter the lounge using LoungeKey. Lounges may levy charges for guests who are unable to provide a LoungeKey pass. These guest charges will be taken directly by the lounge.
OP Gold | Card for a carefree life | OP
www.op.fi › daily-banking › cardsYour OP Gold card includes LoungeKey membership and two free-of-charge lounge visits per year (1 January–31 December). You can use the free visits yourself, or invite one of your travelling companions to join you in the lounge free of charge on the first visit. After using your free visits, you can still make use of your LoungeKey membership.
OP Gold | Mutkatonta elämää varten | OP
www.op.fi › paivittaiset › kortit1. Ulkomaan matkat. Matkavakuutus on voimassa ulkomaan matkoilla, kun 50 % matkan kustannuksista eli kuljetus ja majoitus on maksettu OP Gold -kortin credit-ominaisuudella. Esimerkiksi, jos lennot maksavat 500 € ja hotelli 300 €, näistä kustannuksista 400 € pitää olla maksettu Goldin credit-ominaisuudella.