Overview for OMXH25 - Nasdaq
indexes.nasdaqomx.com › Index › OverviewThe OMXH25 Index is a capitalization weighted stock price index. The maximum weight of one company is limited to 10 percent. The composition of the OMXH25 index is revised twice a year. The numbers of shares used to compute the market value are determined on a quarterly basis. On March 4, 1988, the OMX Helsinki 25 Index began with a base of 500.
Kurssit Helsingin pörssissä - Markkinakatsaus | Nordnet
https://www.nordnet.fi/markkinakatsaus/fiOMXH25 14.14.04 −1,05% 4 448,86 HX65PI 14.13.17 −1,74% 665,61 HX50PI 14.14.17 −1,09% 1 286,27 HX15PI 14.14.17 −0,30% 2 770,75 HX60PI 14.14.17 −2,75% 12 546,72 HX55PI 14.14.17 …