Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö OAJ
www.oaj.fiWebOpetusalan Ammattijärjestö OAJ on maailman ainoa työmarkkinajärjestö, joka valvoo koulutus-, kasvatus- ja tutkimusalan ammattilaisten etuja aina varhaiskasvatuksesta …
https://vipu.oaj.fiWebLoading... OpenAM. Unknown error. Please contact your Administrator. Loading... Copyright © 2020 OAJ. All rights reserved.
Ohio Association for Justice
www.oajustice.orgOhio Association for Justice. To protect and promote all Ohioans' right to a fair and impartial justice system, including their constitutional right to trial by jury, through advocacy, education, and training.
OpenAM - OAJ
https://vipu.oaj.fi/ohjeetWebI want the link for changing the password to email . Submit Cancel. Mobile phone number. Personal identity code For characters in your personal identity code use uppercase letters
Vipu - OAJ
www.oaj.fi › en › membershipVipu allows you to see the amount of time you spend on different tasks and determine where you should allocate your limited working hours and how much time to allocate to them. At its best, Vipu will change the working-hours culture at the entire workplace! The Vipu app offers several options. The work tasks and number of hours to be tracked ...