Joint Entrance Examination (Main) | India
jeemain.nta.nic.inINTRODUCTION. The Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India (GoI) has established the National Testing Agency (NTA) as an independent, autonomous, and self-sustained premier testing organization under the Societies Registration Act (1860) for conducting efficient, transparent, and international standardized tests in order to assess the competency of candidates for admission to premier ...
Natrium (P-Na) - Terveyskirjasto › snk03061Feb 25, 2021 · P-Na viitearvot aikuiset (HUSLAB), ks. Viitearvojen tulkinta 137–145 mmol/l (millimoolia litrassa) Natrium on tärkeimpiä elimistön nesteiden suoloja. Sopiva veren ja muiden nesteiden natriumpitoisuus on välttämätön aineenvaihdunnan toiminnalle. Natriumpitoisuutta tutkitaan neste- ja suolatasapainon seurannassa.
National Testing Agency days ago · About NTA. National Testing Agency (NTA) has been established as a premier, specialist, autonomous and self-sustained testing organization to conduct entrance examinations for admission/fellowship in higher educational institutions.