Budget app – Følg dit forbrug | Nordea
www.nordea.dk › budget-appNordea råder over en række smarte digitale smutveje og services, der kan hjælpe dig med at holde styr på dit budget og følge med i dit forbrug endnu nemmere. Fordelen ved de digitale services, værktøjer og apps er, at du altid har dem lige ved hånden. Via din smartphone kan du nemt og enkelt følge med i din privatøkonomi, uanset hvor ...
Nordea ID - Apps on Google Play
play.google.com › store › apps45,839. Add to Wishlist. Nordea ID app provides an easy and secure way to authenticate your identity. With the app you can do your banking regardless of time and place. Begin by installing the app on your mobile device and go through the activation process. You shouldn’t rely on just one copy of the Nordea ID app.
Nordea ID app - Personal | Nordea
www.nordea.fi › code-appThe Nordea ID app offers a brand new feature: login with a QR code. The QR code is a secure way to log in to both our new Netbank and various third-party services (such as Kela’s online services) on your computer. To log in, open the Nordea ID app and use it to scan the QR code you see on your computer screen.
Nordea ID on the App Store
apps.apple.com › fi › appThe Nordea Codes app is now called Nordea ID. The same familiar app with a new name. Nordea ID app provides an easy and secure way to authenticate your identity. With the app you can do your banking regardless of time and place. Begin by installing the app on your mobile device and go through the activation process.