Investorer | Nordea henhold til Nordeas kapital- og udbyttepolitik er der forskellige bevæggrunde for hhv. udbyttebetaling og aktietilbagekøb. Vores mål er at udlodde 60-70 pct. af årets overskud til aktionærerne som udbytte. Det er således forskelligt fra aktietilbagekøb, som bruges til at udlodde overskydende kapital til aktionærerne.
Investment Analyst, Alternative Investments, Nordea Asset …,-Alternative...Next steps. For more information, you are welcome to contact Portfolio Manager, Mathias Mortensen, +4523358183, or Head of Alternative Investments Lea Vaisalo, +358405066733, At Nordea, we know that an inclusive workplace is a sustainable workplace.
Investor | Nordea Invest › daInvestor | Nordea Invest Investering Balance og bæredygtighed i din portefølje Bæredygtig Basis er til dig, der gerne vil have en nem og balanceret fond med et bæredygtigt fokus. Fondsbørsmeddelelser Fondsbørsmeddelelser for Investeringsforeningen Nordea Invest Se de seneste offentliggørelser her Gennemsigtighed Rapporter og politikker
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Investors | Nordea remains stable and strong and continues to grow market shares despite the turbulent external environment. In 2022 we continue to expect to reach a return on equity above 11% and a cost-to-income ratio of 49–50%. Read more. Reports & presentations. Outlook & financial targets.
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Investor services | Nordea › en › our-servicesWe offer you a full range of high-quality investor services, whether you are dealing with Nordic or global securities. We have the presence, commitment and knowledge needed to help you succeed in your business both now and in the future, as the Nordic securities market continues to evolve.
Investors | Nordea › en › investorsHere you can find all the information you need about Nordea as an investment . First-quarter results 2022 Nordea remains stable and strong and continues to grow market shares despite the turbulent external environment. In 2022 we continue to expect to reach a return on equity above 11% and a cost-to-income ratio of 49–50%. Read more