Nordea Gold | Pankkiasiat › nordea-goldNordea Mastercard Gold on credit/debit-kortti, jossa on lähimaksuominaisuuden lisäksi seuraavia ominaisuuksia: Matkavakuutus kun 75 % matkasta maksettu korttiluotolla; Ostoturva; Tuoteturvan yli 100 euron arvoisille kortilla ostetuille tavaroille; Kortin kadotessa on mahdollisuus saada hätäkäteistä; Sisältää lähimaksuominaisuuden
Payment | Nordea › en › our-servicesOn this page you will find information about how to handle payments in Corporate Netbank, manually or via file. We also have a payment inquiry form where you can ask for information regarding different payments. Start by choosing area. Manual payments. File payments. Payment inquiries.
Nordea Gold - Cards | Nordea › nordea-goldYou can use your Nordea Gold Mastercard for everyday purchases the same way as a traditional debit card, while also making the most of the benefits and features of your credit card. By adding the K-plussa Opens new window feature to your card, you will earn points for purchases made with the credit facility.