Nordea Global Enhanced I kasvu EUR|FI4000330931 - Morningstar › fi › fundsSep 30, 2022 · Nordea Global Enhanced I kasvu EUR. its assets in accordance with the provisions of the Finnish Act on Common Funds and the rules of the Fund. The Fund is an equity fund investing its assets in securities and derivative contracts worldwide. The Fund may invest its assets in the following securities and derivatives: 1) Equities and equity-related instruments, such as convertible bonds, option certificates, personnel options, subscription rights, depositary receipts and warrants.
Nordea Global Enhanced growth|FI4000261300 - Morningstar › fi › fundsSep 30, 2022 · Sijoituspolitiikka: Nordea Global Enhanced growth. its assets in accordance with the provisions of the Finnish Act on Common Funds and the rules of the Fund. The Fund is an equity fund investing its assets in securities and derivative contracts worldwide. The Fund may invest its assets in the following securities and derivatives: 1) Equities and equity-related instruments, such as convertible bonds, option certificates, personnel options, subscription rights, depositary receipts and warrants.
Global Enhanced KL 1 | Nordea Invest › da › fondeFonden investerer på de globale aktiemarkeder og anvender Enhanced Index Strategy. Fonden investerer i vid udstrækning i de virksomheder, der indgår i benchmarket, men forvalterne kan udelukke virksomheder på baggrund af deres egen analyse. Fonden følger Nordeas politik for ansvarlige investeringer (Responsible Investment Policy).
Global Enhanced I - › fs_OversigtSijoitusrahasto Nordea Global Enhanced I kasvu; Morningstar 30.09.2022 ; SFDR-kategoria ; 6; Perusvaluutta ; EUR; Rahaston arvo (Perusvaluutta) 1 374 milj. Aloituspäivä ; 27.06.2017; ISIN ; FI4000330931; Vertailuindeksi ; MSCI World NDR; Rahastokategoria ; Osakerahasto ; Salkunhoitaja ; Ruben Knudsen ; Rahastoyhtiö ; Nordea Funds Oy; Jakaa tuottoa ; Ei