AeroBraW. 7.55K subscribers. Subscribed. 7.4K. 814K views 5 years ago #P1000 #SuperZoom #Moon. The new World Record Nikon Coolpix P1000 with Superzoom Optical 125x Moon Zoom Test Filmed...
Nikon Coolpix P1000 Review: This 125x Superzoom Shoots the Moon. Reviews. By Theano Nikitas. published 6 January 2019. With a focal range from 24 to 3,000mm, the Nikon P1000 lets you get...
1. 2. 3. Next ›. Threaded view. E_Davies • Regular Member • Posts: 308. P1000 Moon shot. Sep 17, 2018. 7. My attempt... Shot jpg. Original just resized. View: original size. With some post …
Zooming the Moon with Nikon Coolpix P1000 camera. Mega zoom test. No telescope, only camera with incredible optical zoom 125x + 4x digital zoom. Poland, Feb...
COOLPIX P1000. lähettäjä 1 049,00 € sis. ALV + Maksuton toimitus. Osta nyt. Tavoita tähdet. Ole mukana kotkien lepohetkessä. Enää ei taivaskaan ole rajana, kun …
Zooming the Moon with Nikon Coolpix P1000 camera. Mega zoom test. No telescope, only camera with incredible optical zoom 125x + 4x digital zoom. Poland, Feb...
Threaded view. Augustin Man • Forum Pro • Posts: 11,432. P1000 - Shooting the Moon. Aug 9, 2019. 11. I apologize for daring to share a casual image of the Moon, because I saw here amazing Moon images, let alone fantastic achievements like Jupiter, Saturn or ISS captures!
Photography. Reviews. Nikon Coolpix P1000 review. With an out-of-this-world 125x zoom, the Nikon P1000 shoots for the moon. By Hillary K. Grigonis October 9, 2018. Nikon Coolpix...
This monster of a lens accepts 77mm filters and has two zoom speeds. The P1000 has dedicated moon and bird positions on the mode dial. If you use Nikon's 'Dynamic Fine Zoom' feature, the equivalent focal length rises to 6000mm (with some loss in image quality).
Zooming in on the Moon with Nikon Coolpix P1000 camera. Mega zoom test. No telescope, only camera with incredible optical zoom 125x + 4x digital zoom. #Moon...
Zooming in on the Moon with Nikon Coolpix P1000 camera. Mega zoom test. No telescope, only camera with incredible optical zoom 125x + 4x digital zoom. #Moon...
Buy Now. Nikon COOLPIX P1000: See Further. Watch on. COOLPIX P1000: 4K video shot at 2,000mm. 1/3. Watch on. The Nikon COOLPIX P1000 features a 3000mm super telephoto lens, allowing for mind-blowing reach that will let you zoom to the moon and beyond.