Niittykumpu - Wikipedia › wiki › NiittykumpuNiittykumpu or Ängskulla is a district of Espoo, a city in Finland. The districts belongs to the major district of Suur-Tapiola. The district, partly located on the eastern lands of the former Gräsa manor, started developing along with the rest of southern Espoo in the 1930s when the street Jorvaksentie was completed. The first significant construction phase of Niittykumpu happened during the 1960s and 1970s, when a large number of terraced houses were built in the are because of rapid ...
Niittykumpu Metro Station - Ecophon › niittykumpu-metro-stationThe extension of the Helsinki metropolitan subway system comprises of eight stations. Each metro station is distinguished by reflecting the character of the over ground surrounding of the station. The Niittykumpu underground station was designed by the internationally recognized Finnish architects Arkkitehtitoimisto HKP.
Niittykumpu metro station - Visit Espoo › en › planNiittykumpu. KUVA: HKL. Niittykumpu metro station. There is a summery feel of a meadow at the Niittykumpu station: red tones of fireweed and the green shades of grass. The Niittykumpu area is quickly growing around the station. You can easily take care of your daily shopping at the Shopping Centre Niitty, directly above the metro station.
Niittykumpu station | Länsimetro › en › stationsApr 27, 2022 · Niittykumpu metro station is located at the corner of Merituulentie and Haukilahdenkatu, at the address Niittykatu 2, and is part of Niittykumpu’s shopping centre. The station’s interior design presents a strong and unique identity reflective of a summer meadow. Inspired by the name Niittykumpu (Meadow Hill in English), both sides of the platform’s walls are covered by the work of artist Mari Rantanen, depicting the red and green shades of fireweed and grass found in meadows.