Neles™ valve products | Valmet › productsNeles™ segment valves are economical high-performance control valves designed for liquid, gas, vapor and slurry control applications - especially those with high capacity and wide rangeability requirements. The Neles™ R-series offers light weight, low torque control valves from 1" low-capacity models up to 32". Eccentric rotary plug valves
Inderes: Osakeanalyysit, mallisalkku, osakevertailu & aamukatsaus
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Neles is now a Flow Control business line in Valmet
www.neles.comNeles is now a Flow Control business line in Valmet. On this site, you will find the renowned Neles, Neles Easyflow, Jamesbury, Stonel, Valvcon and Flowrox products. You can explore Valmet as a company at Neles™ NDX 2.0 – one valve controller can do it all Discover more