NHL 23 - reddit
www.reddit.com › r › NHL23_EASHLGHL Looking for Xbox Series S/X players to join our league. Looking for Xbox series S/X players to join our EASHL league, The GHL (Gamers Hockey League) with our inaugural season starting in October with the launch of NHL 23. Games are scheduled to be played Sunday to Thursday at 9 or 10pm EST TBD by majority.
NHL 23 Honest thoughts? : r/EA_NHL - reddit.com
www.reddit.com › r › EA_NHLFor me, the game feels pretty good albeit a little too fast. The one thing I absolutely can’t get over though are the amount of goals going in. Last year was a lot of 3-2, 4-3 type games, but this year it’s more like 8-5, 9-6 type games. It’s just too much. Defence and goaltending feels so nerfed. It’s also very hard to knock guys off ...