2020 NFL Draft - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › 2020_NFL_DraftThe 2020 NFL Draft was the 85th annual meeting of National Football League (NFL) franchises to select newly eligible players for the 2020 NFL season. The first round was held on April 23, followed by the second and third rounds on April 24. The draft concluded with rounds 4–7 on April 25.
2020 NFL Draft - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_NFL_Draft257 riviä · The 2020 NFL Draft was the 85th annual meeting of National Football League (NFL) franchises to select newly eligible players for the 2020 NFL season.The first round was held on April 23, followed by the second and third rounds on April 24. The draft concluded with rounds 4–7 on April 25.
NFL Draft 2020 – Wikipedia
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/NFL_Draft_2020Der NFL Draft 2020 war der 85. Auswahlprozess neuer Spieler (Draft) im American Football für die Saison 2020 der National Football League (NFL). Der Draft fand vom 23. bis zum 25. April 2020 statt und sollte ursprünglich in Paradise, Nevada, einem Vorort von Las Vegas, abgehalten werden. Aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie in den Vereinigten Staaten fand die Veranstaltung lediglich über Video und Telefon aus dem Keller von Commissioner Roger Goodellstatt. Als schlechtestes Tea…