MUUSA: Programs › programsAdult. Couples and singles, with and without children, are welcome to attend MUUSA. After morning celebration, adults can enjoy a variety of workshop and recreational activities while children are in their programs. Workshops are held M-F, anywhere from 1 to 5 days, and last just under 2 hours. Choose from spiritual topics, crafts, music, dance ...
Haku sanakirjasta: muusa - Ratkojat › ryhmittele › muusamuusa. antaa innoitusta, antaa intoa, calliope, calliopeia, clio, erato, eu-terpe, euterpe, haltia, haltiatar, hengetär, hosni, ilotar, innoittaa, ...
MUUSA: Login › loginMidwest Unitarian Universalist Summer Assembly, located outside Potosi, Missouri (Formerly Lake Geneva Summer Assembly in Williams Bay, Wisconsin)
MUUSA: Workshop List › workshopsWorkshop List. This page contains a list of the workshops we had on offer last year, as an example of what might be available. Early Morning. Morning. Early Afternoon. Late Afternoon. Evening. Dinnertime. Workshop Time: 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM.