Movistar | Logopedia | Fandom › wiki › MovistarMovistar was originally founded in 1995 as MoviStar. In 1998, MoviStar was renamed to Telefónica MoviStar. In 2004, Telefónica MoviStar was renamed to Movistar and introduced a new logo. As of 2011, most consumer and business services from Telefónica – mobile telephony, landline service, broadband and television - in Spain and most of Latin America are marketed under the Movistar brand ...
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Movistar - Wikipedia › wiki › MovistarMovistar (Spanish pronunciation: [moβisˈtaɾ]) is a major telecommunications provider owned by Telefónica, operating in Spain and Hispanic American countries. It is the largest provider of landline, broadband, mobile services and pay television in Spain.