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Most known human

The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History › wiki › The...
... of the 100 people who, according to Hart, most influenced human history. ... of the Most Influential Persons in History "is probably the best known ...
Top 10 Most Famous People Of All Time | Curiosity Human › the-mo...
Jesus · Muhammad · Michael Jackson · Adolf Hitler · Albert Einstein · Leonardo Da Vinci · Sir Isaac Newton · Abraham Lincoln.
Who's Biggest? The 100 Most Significant Figures in History › 2013/12/10
1 Jesus · 2 Napoleon · 3 Muhammad · 4 William Shakespeare · 5 Abraham Lincoln · 6 George Washington · 7 Adolf Hitler · 8 Aristotle.
Who is the most famous person in the world? - Quora › Who-is-the-most-famous-pe...
Michael Jackson greatest entertainer of all time, is the most famous person of all time. Continue Reading.
Wikipedia's top 10 most significant people EVER - Daily Mail › news
Jesus has been named the most significant person in human history, followed by Napoleon and Shakespeare, as ruled by the internet.
35 People with the Highest IQ | Smartest People in the World › list › highest-iq-in-the-world
Apr 1, 2021 · Polish astronomer and mathematician Nicolaus Copernicus may have had an estimated IQ score ranging from 160 to 200, but his ideas weren’t always the most popular. For example, the Catholic Church...
The 25 Most Influential People of All Time | Wealthy Gorilla › most-inf...
This is a collection of the most influential people of all human history. ... He is best known as the seminal figure in the Protestant ...
Most Famous People In The World 2023: Top 15 Popular › most-famou...
Top 15 Most Famous and Influential People In History · 1. Jesus Christ · 2. Muhammad · 3. Adolf Hitler · 4. Albert Einstein · 5. Abraham Lincoln · 6.
Top 20 Most Famous Persons In The World 2023 | GKSchools › famous-people
1. Elon Musk · 2. Jeff Bezos · 3. Neymar · 4. Dwayne Johnson · 5. Joe Biden · 6. Bill Gates · 7. Robert Downey Jr. · 8. Cristiano Ronaldo.
Human Ancestors | Britannica › list › human-ancestors
Ardipithecus is the earliest known genus of the human lineage and the likely ancestor of Australopithecus, a group closely related to and often considered ancestral to modern human beings. Ardipithecus lived between 5.8 million and 4.4 million years ago. The genus is known largely from a partial female skeleton called Ardi.
An Evolutionary Timeline of Homo Sapiens | Science ... › science-nature › essential
Feb 2, 2021 · The oldest-recovered DNA of an early human relative comes from Sima de los Huesos, the “Pit of Bones.” At the bottom of a cave in Spain’s Atapuerca Mountains scientists found thousands of teeth...
Top 10 Most Famous People of All Time - TheTopTens › people
Top 10 Most Famous People of All Time ; 1 Jesus Christ ; 2 Michael Jackson ; 3 Muhammad ; 4 Adolf Hitler ; 5 Albert Einstein ...
Hall of Fame: Who is the most famous person in the world? › who-i...
Dwayne Johnson, known as The Rock, is the most famous person in the world. He became popular during his days as a WWE champion wrestler until he ...
Top 10 Most Famous People - Listverse › 2013/03/22 › t
Mar 22, 2013 · Jacinda Ardern, made it to TIME magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2018, and all for the single act of donning a Muslim veil to signal her virtue after an Australian massacred 51 people in a Mosque in New Zealand, where Ardern is Prime Minister. SEE ALSO: Top 10 Most Famous People . . . Who Weren’t Real
The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History › wiki › The_100:_A_Ranking_of_the
The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History is a 1978 book by Michael H. Hart, an American astrophysicist, author, amateur historian, researcher, and white separatist. [3] [4] [5] Published by his father's publishing house, it was his first book and was reprinted in 1992 with revisions.