HANKEN: All courses
moodle.hanken.fi › moodle › courseThe course introduces the student to modern statistics and econometrics. The topics are probability, statistical inference and econometrics. The course is useful for students who want to quickly fill in their background in statistics and econometrics without being burdened by tedious topics in probability and statistics that play no role in econometrics.
Hanken Moodle
moodle.hanken.fi › moodleMoodle-help (at)hanken.fi Moodle-help (at)hanken.fi helps with general Moodle problems, the teacher helps with problems in a specific course. Log in Log in with your Hanken username and password (shibboleth - login)
Exams | Hanken
www.hanken.fi › en › studentsInformation about on-site exams and about other types of exams (at the bottom of the webpage). The exam dates and times for on-site exams can be found on the course page in Moodle and in Sisu (course description). You can only take the exam on the pre-determined exam occasions.
Moodle | Hanken
www.hanken.fi › moodleHanken uses Moodle as online learning environment. Nearly all courses use it for sharing materials, videos and links, but also for handing in assignments or for working interactively online. Moodle provides users with lecture materials, a calendar with course schedules, exercises, tests, discussion areas, or the possibility to hand in ...
Hanken Moodle
https://moodle.hanken.fiVerkkoMoodle-help(at)hanken.fi hjälper med allmänna problem, allt som berör en specifik kurs hjälper läraren med. Moodle-help(at)hanken.fi helps with general Moodle problems, the …
HANKEN: All courses
moodle.hanken.fi › moodle › courseHuvudämnesvalet - kandidatstuderande, våren 2022, Helsingfors. I period 4 under första läsåret inom kandidatutbildningen väljer du ditt huvudämne. Huvudämnesvalet stöder dig i studie- och karriärplanering. Kursnyckeln till Moodle skickas via e-post till dem som inledde sina kandidatstudier hösten 2021.