Minttu Choco | › products › minttu-chocoMinttu with hot chocolate, also known as Minttu-kaakao, is the most famous after-ski drink up in the North, so it was very natural to spice up Original Minttu Peppermint with a taste of chocolate. Eureka - Minttu Choco was born! This indulging and fresh combination will please all the chocolate lovers - can anyone resist it? All Minttu liqueurs are vegan and produced in carbon-neutral factory located in Turku, Southern Finland.
Vegaaninen vappumenu | Chocochili · Reseptit vegaanisiin vappuherkkuihin. Mietitkö vielä, mitä vegaanisia herkkuja löytyy vappubrunssilta? Perintenen vappupöytä nakkeineen, perunasalaatteineen ja munkkeineen onnistuu mainiosti myös vegaanisena! Kokosin alle reseptejä erilaisista vappupöytään sopivista ruoista. Pikinikille tai brunssille kannattaa koota esimerkiksi ...
Minttu Choco Mint 2×50 cl – Tallink Pre-Order › en › productMinttu Choco Mint combines chocolate the world’s first clear peppermint liqueur for a full-bodied and sharp taste experience with mint chocolate notes. Serve chilled for a delicious, icy sensation. Colourless, full-bodied, sharp, mint chocolate notes Product code 920377 Size 100 cl Alc. content 35.0 % Origin country Finland