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Minna Technologies, OP

OP Financial Group signs Minna Technologies to advance ... › news
Minna Technologies, a Swedish banking tech start-up, has sealed a partnership deal with OP Financial Group, Finland's largest financial group.
Minna Technologies (@minnatech) / Twitter › minnatech
Disrupting transactions, member @minnatech enables a 1-click revolution in banking Bringing the one-click to subscription management, Minna is making it ...
Minna Technologies Teams Up with OP Financial Group - Finovate › minna-technologies-teams-up-with-op
Dec 24, 2019 · Minna Technologies, a Swedish banking tech start-up, has sealed a partnership deal with OP Financial Group, Finland’s largest financial group, reports Tanya Andreasyan of Fintech Futures (Finovate’s sister publication). The two companies first started working together in 2018 at OP’s Open Banking Startup Partnership Programme, and the latest deal is the extension of that collaboration ...
OP Financial Group signs Minna Technologies to advance open ... › 2019 › 12
Dec 24, 2019 · Minna Technologies, a Swedish banking tech start-up, has sealed a partnership deal with OP Financial Group, Finland’s largest financial group. The two companies first started working together in 2018 at OP’s Open Banking Startup Partnership Programme, and the latest deal is the extension of that collaboration.
Toistuvien menojen hallinta – hallinnoi jatkuvia tilauksiasi | OP › op-mobiili › talouden-tasapaino › t...
Mikä on Minna Technologies? Minna Technologies on vähittäispankkien kanssa yhteistyötä tekevä ruotsalainen ohjelmistoalan yritys, joka kehittää finanssialan ...
Toistuvien menojen hallinta – hallinnoi jatkuvia ...
Minna Technologies palvelee samoilla kielillä kuin OP-mobiili eli suomeksi, ruotsiksi ja englanniksi. Mitä tietoja OP välittää Minna Technologiesille? Palvelun käyttöönoton yhteydessä annat suostumuksen valittujen tilien, saldojen ja korttitapahtumien hakuun, jolloin palvelu pystyy tunnistamaan, mitkä tapahtumat ovat toistuvia.
OP Financial Group signs Minna Technologies to advance ... › op-f...
Minna Technologies, a Swedish banking tech start-up, has sealed a partnership deal with OP Financial Group, Finland's largest financial ...
Minna Technologies and Finland’s Largest Financial Group ...
17.12.2019 · Minna Technologies [look forward to working] with OP to contribute further value to their customers, as well as to further the expansion of the subscription economy in …
Minna Technologies and Finland’s Largest Financial Group ...
18.12.2019 · Minna Technologies was chosen last year to take part in OP’s open banking program. John Nyström , country manager Finland at Minna Technologies, said that participating in the program was a great opportunity for the company to get to know more about the OP organization, “validate its technical approach, as well as the need for subscription management …
Minna Technologies Teams Up with OP Financial Group - Finovate
24.12.2019 · Minna Technologies, a Swedish banking tech start-up, has sealed a partnership deal with OP Financial Group, Finland’s largest financial group, reports Tanya Andreasyan of Fintech Futures (Finovate’s sister publication).. The two companies first started working together in 2018 at OP’s Open Banking Startup Partnership Programme, and the latest deal is the extension of …
Minna Technologies tuo näkyviin helposti unohtuvat kulut - OP ... › yrittajyys › ala-maksa-turhast...
Erilaisten jatkuvien tilausten ja suoratoistopalveluiden määrä kasvaa koko ajan. Kuluttajan voi olla vaikea muistaa, mistä kaikesta hän ...
Minna Technologies forms partnership with OP for open ...
24.12.2019 · Minna Technologies is an online banking technology platform which offers clients the ability to identify subscriptions, enrich customer data and offer personalised services. OP SVP, payments and personal finance management Masa Peura said, “This partnership is a great example of the importance of finding the right match in partners.
Minna Technologies and Finland’s Largest Financial Group, OP ... › 2019/12/155310-minna
Dec 17, 2019 · Minna Technologies and Finland’s largest financial group, OP, have extended their partnership which was established last year during OP’s open banking startup partnership program.
Minna Technologies | World's Leading Subscription Management ...
Best Bank-FinTech Partnership 2018. In the news. Minna Technologies, a subscription management tool for banking customers, raises $18.8M. Read article →. Lloyds partners with Swedish BankTech Minna Technologies to offer subscription management. Read article →. ING Belgium adds Minna Technologies’ subscription management tool to app.
OP tuo uuden palvelun toistuvien menojen hallintaan - Cision ... › op-ryhma › op-tuo-uuden-pal...
OP avaa asiakkailleen Toistuvien menojen hallinta -palvelun, ... alustan kehittäneen ruotsalaisen Minna Technologies -yrityksen kanssa.
Subscription management service - OP › private-customers › digital-services
What is Minna Technologies? Minna Technologies is a Swedish software company cooperating with retail banks that develops products for the financial sector. Is the service subject to a charge? The service is free of charge for OP-mobile users. In what languages does Minna Technologies providing the subscription management service serve its ...
OP Tech Podcast 28 - Ura OP Ryhmässä › content › optech28
OP Tech Podcastin 28. jaksossa Kristian Luoman vieraaksi saapuu OP:n Taloudenhallinnan Product Owner ... Case-esimerkki: Minna Technologies ja OP Mobiili.
The more subscriptions you have, the harder it is to manage ... › articles › don...
Swedish startup Minna Technologies makes it easier. ... Don't lose your money imperceptibly: Minna Technologies shows how much money you ...
About Us | Minna Technologies › about-us
Minna Technologies clients include seven leading European Banks and currently, around 20 million people benefit from Minna’s subscription solutions. Lloyds Banking Group in the UK, ING in Belgium, Swedbank, SpareBank, Danske Bank and OP Bank in the Nordics and Banco Sabadell in Spain all currently leverage Minna’s services.
Minna Technologies enters partnership with Finnish OP ... › minn...
Minna Technologies and OP, the largest financial group in Finland, have entered into a partnership. The partnership continues the ...
About Us | Minna Technologies
Minna Technologies clients include seven leading European Banks and currently, around 20 million people benefit from Minna’s subscription solutions. Lloyds Banking Group in the UK, ING in Belgium, Swedbank, SpareBank, Danske Bank and OP Bank in the Nordics and Banco Sabadell in Spain all currently leverage Minna’s services.
Minna Technologies enters partnership with Finnish OP ... › 2019/12/16 › minna
Dec 16, 2019 · Minna Technologies and OP, the largest financial group in Finland, have entered into a partnership. The partnership continues the co-operation started between the two companies in 2018 during OP’s Open Banking Startup Partnership Program. In 2018, Minna Technologies was selected to participate in OP’s Open Banking Startup Partnership Program.