Museo Milavida
museomilavida.fi29.4.2022 · Museo Milavida on omaleimainen museokohde Tampereella. Päänäyttely perehdyttää kävijän Tampereen kosmopoliittien, Nottbeckien elämään. Museo Milavidassa on …
Yleisöopastukset – Museo Milavida › etusivu › opastuksetCafé Milavida & Museokauppa. Milavidanrinne 8 33210 Tampere. Avoinna 2022 pe-su 3.10.-4.12. klo 11-18 ti-su 7.12.-21.12. klo 11-18 ti-su 27.12.-30.12. klo 11-18 ti-su 3.1.2023-8.1.2023 klo 11-18. Poikkeukset Suljettu: 6.12., 23.12.-26.12. ja 1.1.2023 Suljetaan klo 16: 22.12. ja 31.12. Opastusvaraukset Arkisin ma-pe 8-16 numerosta 040 831 4054
Games for Android - Download APK free - Malavida › en › androidSep 14, 2022 · Turn your Android smartphone or tablet into a handheld video gaming console to have fun playing games from any genre, as well as different MODs: strategy, MMORPGs, sports, fighting, action, racing, adventures, platforms, puzzles...
Näsilinna - Wikipedia › wiki › NäsilinnaNäsilinna is a neo-baroque palace on Näsikallio in Tampere, Finland. It was built by Peter von Nottbeck, son of Wilhelm von Nottbeck, a St. Petersburg-based industrial manager of Finlayson. The original name of the palace, completed in 1898, was Milavida. The building was designed by architect Karl August Wrede. The true meaning and history of the name Milavida is unknown.
Museokortti-kohde: Museum Milavida - › searchmuseums › indexNäsilinna,Milavidanrinne 8,33210 Tampere. Experience the glamorous lifestyle of the Nottbeck family, the owners of the famous Finlayson cotton mill. History, fashion and design in the beautiful 19th century manor house. The Nottbecks lived in Tampere from the 1830s until the early 20th century when the last members of the family leave the city after years filled with both success and sad losses.
Museo Milavida
museomilavida.fiApr 29, 2022 · Museo Milavida on omaleimainen museokohde Tampereella. Päänäyttely perehdyttää kävijän Tampereen kosmopoliittien, Nottbeckien elämään. Museo Milavidassa on aina esillä myös vaihtuva muotia ja muotoilua esittelevä teemanäyttely, joka tällä hetkellä on Vivienne Westwood -muotia yksityiskokoelmasta. Molemmat näyttelyt näet yhdellä lipulla.
vivid suomeksi - (englanti-suomi) › searchEsimerkit. The half-dozen pieces […] were painted white and carved with festoons of flowers, birds and cupids. To display them the walls had been tinted a vivid blue which had now faded, but the carpet, which had evidently been stored and recently relaid, retained its original turquoise. The vivid, untrammeled life appealed to him, and for a ...