Mikko Rantanen – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikko_RantanenMikko Rantanen (s. 29. lokakuuta 1996 Nousiainen) on suomalainen jääkiekkoilija ja Stanley Cup -voittaja, joka pelaa NHL-joukkue Colorado Avalanchessa. Seura varasi hänet ensimmäisellä kierroksella koko NHL:n varaustilaisuuden kymmenentenä pelaajana kesällä 2015. Rantanen pelaa useimmiten lähtökohtaisesti oikeana laitahyökkääjänä, mutta hän osaa pelata myös keskushyökkääjänä. Häntä on luonnehdittu pelitavaltaan voimahyökkääjäksi.
Mikko Rantanen Parents And Net Worth, Does He Have A Girlfriend?
mixedarticle.com › mikko-rantanen-parentsMikko Rantanen Net Worth Details. In 2022, Mikko Rantanen has a net worth of $9 million. Colorado Avalanche signed a contract with him of worth $55,500,000 and an annual average salary of $9,250,000, according to the Sportrac. In 2022-23, he is earning a base salary of $6,000,000 million while carrying a cap hit of $9,250,000 million.
Mikko Rantanen Wiki, Biography, Age, Spouse, Net Worth, Fast ...
wikibious.com › mikko-rantanenJun 07, 2022 · Mikko Rantanen was born on October 29, 1996 in Finland and is a Finnish expert hockey player. The player plays for the Colorado Avalanche of the NHL (National Hockey League). In the 2015 NHL Entry Draft, he was selected in the main round, 10th overall. His most memorable presentation was with the HC TPS during the 2012-13 season, when he was 16 ...
Mikko Rantanen - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Mikko_RantanenMikko Rantanen (born 29 October 1996 [not verified in body]) is a Finnish professional ice hockey forward and alternate captain for the Colorado Avalanche of the National Hockey League (NHL). He was selected in the first round, 10th overall, by the Avalanche in the 2015 NHL Entry Draft. Rantanen won the Stanley Cup with the Avalanche in 2022 .