The Best Metal Albums of 2003 | Metal Kingdom › best-metal-albums-of-2003The Best Metal Albums of 2003 - Train of Thought, Damnation, How the West Was Won, Hate Crew Deathroll, A Flame to the Ground Beneath, Goremageddon: The Saw and the Carnage Done, Epica, Dechristianize, As the Palaces Burn, Meteora, Masterplan, The Eyes of Alice Cooper
Best Metal Albums of 2003 | Sputnikmusic › best › albumsBest Metal Albums of 2003 01 Deftones Hexagram 4.55 22 votes 02 Kayo Dot Choirs of the Eye 4.45 2554 votes 03 Deftones Split w/ Poison the Well 4.32 50 votes 04 Moonsorrow Kivenkantaja 4.32 485 votes 05 Windir Likferd 4.31 395 votes 06 Boris Boris At Last -Feedbacker- 4.31 1568 votes 07 Human Fortress Defenders of the Crown 4.3 15 votes 08