The Best Movies of the Decade, Comments 81-90 - Page 2 - Metacritic › featureThe top movies of the decade by genre ; 5, Incredibles, The, 2004 ; 6, Finding Nemo, 2003 ; 7, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The, 2002 ; 8, Up, 2009 ...
Best Movies of the Decade (2010-19) - Metacritic › feature › best-movies-of-theNov 18, 2019 · Movies Mentioned on Most Best of the Decade Top 10 Lists Movie (Year) # 1st Place # 2nd Place # Other Points; 1 Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) 20: 9: 28.5: 106.5: 2 Moonlight (2016) 8: 7: 31: 69: 3 The Social Network (2010) 8: 4: 22.5: 54.5: 4 Get Out (2017) 3: 7: 28: 51: 5 Under the Skin (2014) 2: 4: 17.5: 31.5: 6 The Tree of Life (2011) 5: 1: 14: 31: 7 Inception (2010) 4: 2: 13.5: 29.5