electronica India 2021 | Messe München
messe-muenchen.de › electronica-india-2021Dec 16, 2021 · electronica India is the leading International Trade Fair for Electronic Components, Systems, Applications and Solutions in India. electronica India 2021 will take place in conjunction with productronica India and LASER World of PHOTONICS INDIA at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC). Calendar file.
Messe München Company | Messe München
messe-muenchen.de › enMesse München remains a very attractive venue for hosting guest events for an extremely wide range of different industries, such as IT, medicine, pharmaceuticals, science, energy and politics. The wellestablished standing in the medical industry in particular demonstrates the importance of the Locations of Messe München for customers and ...
iba 2021 | Messe München
messe-muenchen.de › en › technicalOct 24, 2021 · iba, as leading trade fair, has been the meeting place for experts of the bakery, pastry, and snack trade since 1949. It is the platform for innovations from the entire trade and provides a complete overview of all novelties on the market. The most successful companies from artisan bakeries, via wholesale bakeries, through to the industrial ...
Messe München Company | Messe München
https://messe-muenchen.de/enMesse München remains a very attractive venue for hosting guest events for an extremely wide range of different industries, such as IT, medicine, pharmaceuticals, science, energy and politics. The wellestablished standing in the medical industry in particular demonstrates the importance of the Locations of Messe München for customers and events from all over the world.
BAU 2021 ONLINE | Messe München
messe-muenchen.de › en › technicalJan 13, 2021 · BAU is the World's Leading Trade Fair for Architecture, Materials and Systems. Everyone involved in the international community for planning, building and designing buildings comes together here—i.e. architects, planners, investors, representatives of the industrial and commercial sectors, the building trades, etc.
Messut 2021 - binzel-abicor.com
www.binzel-abicor.com › tapahtumat › messut-2021Feb 02, 2021 · Messut 2021 Maa Näytä kaikki tapahtumat Alankomaat Arabiemiirikunnat Brasilia Bulgaria Egypti Etalä- Korea Filippiinit Indonesia Intia Italia Japani Kazakstan Kiina Malesia Meksiko Norja Puola Ranska Romania Saksa Saudi- Arabia Slovakia Slovenia Thaimaa Turkki Ukraina Valko- Venäjä Venäjä Vietnam Yhdysvallat
IFAT 2022 | Messe München
https://messe-muenchen.de/en/technical/events/ifat-2022.phpA total of 3,305 exhibitors from 58 countries and 142,472 visitors from 162 countries used this platform for presentations and innovation in the water, sewage, waste and raw materials sector. The next edition takes place in Munich from May 30 to June 3, 2022. All relevant key-players will present their latest products and services on ...