What are megatrends? - Sitra
https://www.sitra.fi/en/articles/what-are-megatrends6.3.2020 · Examining megatrends is an integral aspect of contemplating different visions of the future. A megatrend is a general direction of development, consisting of several phenomena, or a wide-ranging process of change. They are often considered to occur at the global level and development is often believed to continue in the same direction.
New Work - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › New_WorkThe concept of New Work describes the new way of working of today's society in the global and digital age. The term was coined by the German-American social philosopher Frithjof Bergmann and is based on his research on the notion of freedom and the assumption that the previous work system was outdated.
Megatrendit 2020 - Sitra
https://www.sitra.fi/julkaisut/megatrendit-202031.12.2019 · Megatrendit 2020 -päivityksessä on aiempaa enemmän tuotu esille kehityssuuntien välisiä kytköksiä ja jännitteitä sekä avattu trendien mahdollisia vaikutuksia. Tulevaisuus ei välttämättä toteudu suoralinjaisesti jonkin trendin mukaisesti, vaan trendien välillä olevat jännitteet voivat muokata kehityksen suuntaa.
Die Megatrends - Zukunftsinstitut
https://www.zukunftsinstitut.de/dossier/megatrendsDie Megatrends. Lawinen in Zeitlupe – dieses Bild beschreibt Megatrends ganz gut, denn Megatrends entwickeln sich zwar langsam, sind aber enorm mächtig. Sie wirken auf alle Ebenen der Gesellschaft und beeinflussen so Unternehmen, Institutionen und Individuen.Daher sind Megatrends nicht nur ein Kernelement der Forschung des Zukunftsinstituts, sondern auch …
Foundational Technology - AMI
www.ami.comTektagon™ XFR is a new jointly-developed platform firmware security solution from two of the leading names in PFR – AMI and Lattice Semiconductor – to bring the industry an integrated, fully-featured, pre-verified and secure Platform Root-of-Trust solution that is flexible, scalable, low cost, and easy to implement.
Megatrends - Sitra
www.sitra.fi › en › topicsMegatrends 2020. Sitra’s Megatrends 2020 list provides an overview of the issues we should focus on in the coming years. In Sitra’s Megatrends 2020 update, we highlight five trends and the links and tensions between them: 1) Ecological reconstruction is a matter of urgency. 2) Relational power is strengthening
EY Megatrends | EY - Global
https://www.ey.com/en_gl/megatrends19.6.2020 · The EY Megatrends framework exposes business leaders to trends and forces far outside their usual scope of analysis, reducing the risk of missing out on, or being sidelined by, the “next big thing.”. Building your transformation journey on …
Megatrend - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MegatrendEconomically, megatrends can be exploited by enterprises to make profit. BlackRock, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Ernst & Young e.g., identify at least 7 megatrends: • Technological progress, esp. in the internet domain • Demographic change and social change• Rapid global urbanisation