SimpleK Key Management Software - Medeco › en › trainingSimpleK is a complete, flexible and intuitive software for master key systems and facility management. Institutional locksmiths, security personnel, and facility managers use this paperless, scalable tool to manage keys and keying systems of all sizes. Providing total key control by showing outstanding keys, overdue keys, keyways, and more ...
Homepage1 - Medeco
medeco.dkOpgrader til Superlock II 56 og få nye superkræfter fra Windows 10 20 50 right alignbottom Læs mere Superlock II # Tårnhøj sikkerhed 56 Boresikker – dirkesikker – kopisikker 20 50 right alignmiddle Læs mere Nøglerne # ewf-btn–huge Medeco BiLevel: 56 Flere grader af sikkerhed i samme system 20 100 center alignmiddle Læs mere Medeco […]
Medeco 4 (M4) | High Security Key System › medeco4Be prepared with Medeco’s patent-pending M4 key control technology- designed to prevent unauthorized key copying and 3D printing. M4 cylinders are UL 437 Listed and stand up to drilling, picking and other forms of physical attack. Trust in Medeco 4 for protection against all forms of physical breach. The patent-pending design of Medeco 4 is ...
Medieco – Terveydenhuollon verkkokoulutusten asiantuntija
medieco.fiNov 16, 2021 · MEDIECO LYHYESTI. Medieco Oy on verkko-oppimisen asiantuntija. Tuotamme ja hankimme laadukkaita verkkokoulutuksia terveyden- ja sosiaalihuollon ammattilaisille. Toiminnassamme korostuu erityisesti asiakaslähtöisyys, asiantuntijuus, pitkä kokemus alalta sekä yhteistyö eri toimijoiden kesken.